Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Man Likes Women Who Look Nothing Like Me

I know this sounds a little crazy, but I think it's a problem that my man's ideal beauty is the complete opposite of what i am. I watch him drool and comment over women who have none of the traits I have or are even close to what I look like. Whenever I bring it up to him he says that i'm tripping and making a big deal out of nothing. I see it like it is big because if i'm not what he truly finds attractive he might run out and cheat with a woman who is more along the lines of what he likes. I know my man cares for me deeply, but I just can't get past the feeling of not fitting the mold of what he thinks is attractive. I think this can be become problematic even though he says different. Do you think something like this is a big deal or am I blowing this out of proportion?

SpeekDaTroof: Damn, that's a good question. It's funny because I recently had this similar discussion with someone. Honestly, I think it has the possibility to be a problem depending on a couple of things.
For one, if you know for a fact that you are not what he likes physically he may not be completely happy and it may drive you crazy to know that because it already makes you feel somewhat inadequate.
Secondly it can cause a problem if it makes you feel insecure about your relationship.
Another thing you have to ask is does he display the same interest and level of attraction towards you that he displays when he sees these other women?
This could possibly just be insecurity on your part or he might be drooling too hard over these other females, and causing you to feel insecure, I don't know.
I really don't have a definitive answer to this because I don't fully know your situation well enough, but if it bothers you the way you say it does, it's definitely going to cause major problems.
What's everyone else's view on this subject? Can not fitting the mold of what your mate finds attractive hinder your relationship?

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