A Blog Of My Random Sh!t, Shocking News, Viral Videos, And Interesting Articles. For Advice, Post Ideas, Or Whatever The F@ck You Want, Hit Me Up At EverydayFixxx@Gmail.com
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Deaf Man Stabbed After His Sign Language Was Mistaken For Gang Signs

The misunderstanding occurred at around 5 p.m. Witnesses told police that the victim, 45-year-old Terrance Ervin Daniels, got into an altercation with another deaf man, and was (of course) using sign language. He was then approached by Jarell Neal who stabbed him multiple times.
Daniels collapsed in the grass where he was found by emergency personnel and transported to Alamance Regional Medical Center, where he is listed in stable condition.
With the help of a witness, Cathy Sanford, who said that Neal was walking around the neighborhood after the attack, police were able to track him down. Sanford said she was at home when she heard her dog barking and looked in her back yard where she saw Neal running through it. He apparently came back to Sanford's house later in the day and threatened her 12-year-old granddaughter.
A warrant was obtained for Neal's arrest and the 22-year-old was apprehended a few hours later. As of yesterday, he was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, inflicting serious injury and felonious assault on a handicapped person.
Neal is being held in lieu of $500,000 bond at the Burlington Police Department.
Ironically, even though he thought Daniels was throwing up gang signs, Burlington Police staff Sgt. Mark Yancey revealed that Neal isn't even in a gang, so it is unclear what his motive may have been.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Intriguing Questions
- Why is it women knock average men who sleep around, but they'll give the p*sy to a celebrity in a heartbeat who they know is f@cking 10 times as many women?
- Would you dump your mate if they had a friendship with someone of the opposite sex that made you uncomfortable and you asked them to cut it off, but they refused to?
- What's some freaky sh*t you've never done that you're definitely curious about trying?
- How long could your mate stay out before you tell them they gotta pack their sh!t?
- If you had to pick 2 people from the site to have a threesome with, who would they be?
Woman Arrested After Confronting Estranged Husband And New Girlfriend With Rifle And Defecating On The Floor

According to the Indian River County Sheriff's Office, Brenda Schumann and her husband are in the process of a divorce and Mrs. Schumann moved out of the couple's home several months ago.
There was just one problem. Mrs. Schumann didn't forget where all the guns in the house were kept.
Investigators say Schumann forced her way into her husband's home, armed herself with a rifle that was stored inside the house and then stormed into her husband's bedroom where he was sleeping naked with his new girlfriend. She then allegedly pointed the rifle at the couple and told them that she was going to kill them both.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Former Death Row Inmate Admits To Killing His 89-Year-Old Mother

The man, identified as 70-year-old Dennis Stanworth, called police at 11:55 a.m. to report the death.
Officers responded to his home in the 2500 block of Marshfield Road. Police said that once there, Stanworth brought them to the woman's body.
The woman's identity has not been confirmed, but police believe she was Nellie Turner Stanworth, 89, the suspect's mother.
Stanworth was booked into Solano County Jail on suspicion of murder.
Police said he pleaded guilty in 1966 to kidnapping, sexually assaulting and killing two teenage girls in Contra Costa County.
He was sentenced to death, but later his sentence was reversed and he was given a life sentence. He was then paroled and registered with Valljeo police as a sex offender.
Detectives Track Down Burglar By Following A Trail Of Cheetos Crumbs He Left Behind

According to the Kershaw County Sheriff's Office, Presler reportedly smashed the glass front door at the Cassatt Country Store and stole beer, cigarettes, energy drinks, and a few snacks for the road.
During the burglary, Presler allegedly grabbed a bag of Cheetos that broke open while he was inside the store. The broken bag left Cheetos crumbs on the floor of the store before he fled the scene. The store's surveillance camera captured video that showed Presler fleeing in a white car.
Investigators say deputies began searching the area on foot, and were led to a nearby home with a white car parked in front, similar to the one used in the burglary.
When officers approached the front door, they spotted more Cheetos laying on the porch. They searched the residence, and found Presler in a room, as well as the items he had stolen from the store.
Presler was booked into the Kershaw County Detention Center and charged with second-degree burglary. He was released after posting $15,000 bond.
According to court records, Presler has previous arrests that include possession with intent to distribute controlled substances and driving with a suspended driver's license.
Man Charged With Raping A 14-Year-Old Girl After Tattooing His Name On He Vagina

According to the Benton County Sheriff's Office, Rader began having sex with a girl when she was 14-year-old, then gave her three tattoos for her 15th birthday.
The tattoos included a butterfly and a skull on the girl's neck, as well as a tattoo of his name next to her vagina.
Investigators say they found dozens of sexually explicit text messages that had been exchanged between Rader and the girl.
Detectives logged onto the girl's Facebook page, with her permission, and engaged Rader in a conversation. Detectives, posing as the girl, asked Rader if he still had naked photographs of the girl that had been taken with his cell phone.
Rader allegedly answered back that he no longer had the photographs, but wanted new photographs of the girl's body, nipples, face and vagina.
In reference to the vagina photograph, Rader reportedly added "after all ... my name IS on it."
Rader was booked into jail and charged with third-degree rape and sodomy, second-degree online corruption of a minor and one count of using a child in display of sexually explicit conduct.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Man Chokes His Girlfriend Out With His Dreadlocks

Portland police Sgt. Pete Simpson says the unidentified woman was taken to a hospital Monday for treatment of numerous non-life-threatening injuries.
The police spokesman says 32-year-old Caleb Grotberg was arrested for investigation of several domestic violence felony crimes, including strangulation, fourth-degree assault and second-degree kidnapping. He's due in court Tuesday.
Dreadlocks are matted ropes of hair.
Article Source
Cameroon Court Acquits Two Men Who Were Imprisoned For ‘Looking Gay’
Jonas Kimie and Franky Ndome were arrested outside a nightclub and sentenced to five years in prison in November 2011.
“The acquittal of two Cameroonian men jailed for looking gay because they wore women’s clothes exposes the systematic discrimination against perceived homosexuals in the country,” Amnesty International said in a statement.
The conviction was based on stereotypes because authorities never saw them engage in homosexual acts, according to their lawyer.
Intriguing Questions
- What's a sign that a guy might be a player?
- What would it take to turn your mate into a perfect 10?
- Name a celebrity you think women wouldn't be as crazy about if he were an everyday n!gga?
- How do you feel about your mate going to strip clubs?
- Would it bother you you if your mate had their ex's name tattooed on them?
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Woman Gets 15 Years In Prison For Robbing White Castle With A Squirt Gun
Michelle White, a 33-year-old St. Louis woman has been sentenced to jail time after she allegedly crawled through the window of a White Castle fast food restaurant and then robbed the employees with a squirt gun.
According to police, White drove up to a White Castle drive through window in September 2011, displayed a red squirt gun and then passed the cashier a note that said "give me your money or I will shoot you."
When the cashier fled the window, White crawled into the restaurant through the drive-thru window and then took thecash drawer . An off-duty firefighter parked in the drive-through lane wrote down White's driver's license number and called 911.
Officers later went to White's home and found a white jacket that she had worn during the robbery and a sum of cash. White attempted to evade arrest by climbing to the roof of herapartment building and then jumping off. She fractured her arm, leg and pelvis as a result.
White, who has three children, eventually confessed to the robbery while she was in the hospital.
White has now been convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison for robbery with special conditions.
Those conditions include a long list of previous convictions including manslaughter, possession of drug paraphernalia and stealing. The manslaughter charge was a result of striking a man with her vehicle while she was high on cocaine.
According to police, White drove up to a White Castle drive through window in September 2011, displayed a red squirt gun and then passed the cashier a note that said "give me your money or I will shoot you."
When the cashier fled the window, White crawled into the restaurant through the drive-thru window and then took the
Officers later went to White's home and found a white jacket that she had worn during the robbery and a sum of cash. White attempted to evade arrest by climbing to the roof of her
White, who has three children, eventually confessed to the robbery while she was in the hospital.
White has now been convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison for robbery with special conditions.
Those conditions include a long list of previous convictions including manslaughter, possession of drug paraphernalia and stealing. The manslaughter charge was a result of striking a man with her vehicle while she was high on cocaine.
Man Spends $235,000 On Solid Gold Shirt To Score Chicks
Phuge, a 32-year-old moneylender, recently hired a team of 15 goldsmiths to make the shiny shirt and they needed to work two weeks worth of 16-hour day shifts to get the gold threads just right.
The end result is a 22-karat gold shirt weighing more than 7 pounds and consisting of 14,000 gold flowerings, interwoven with one-lakh spangles, Oddity Central reported. The shirt was assembled on a fabric base of imported white velvet, and comes with six Swarovski crystal buttons and a gold belt.
To make it extra fancy -- as if that's possible -- the gold guys also crafted matching cuffs and a set of rings from the leftover gold, according to the Mirror.
It might seem like conspicuous consumption times 10, but Phuge considers the shirt an investment that will keep appreciating.
“People buy cars and go on holidays abroad,” he said, according to the Los Angeles Times. “For me, gold is the ultimate passion. That is the reason I have spent a whopping amount of money on the shirt.”
Truth be told, there's another reason: The chicks.
"I know I am not the best looking man in the world, but surely no woman could fail to be dazzled by this shirt?" he said according to MSN.co.nz.
Amazingly, some people aren't taking a shine to the garment.
The Pune Mirror asked Indian fashionistas their opinions of Phuge's shirt and the comments included gripes like "too dramatic and impractical to wear," "it has no structure or shape," and "I see it more as a novelty item."
The end result is a 22-karat gold shirt weighing more than 7 pounds and consisting of 14,000 gold flowerings, interwoven with one-lakh spangles, Oddity Central reported. The shirt was assembled on a fabric base of imported white velvet, and comes with six Swarovski crystal buttons and a gold belt.
To make it extra fancy -- as if that's possible -- the gold guys also crafted matching cuffs and a set of rings from the leftover gold, according to the Mirror.
It might seem like conspicuous consumption times 10, but Phuge considers the shirt an investment that will keep appreciating.
“People buy cars and go on holidays abroad,” he said, according to the Los Angeles Times. “For me, gold is the ultimate passion. That is the reason I have spent a whopping amount of money on the shirt.”
Truth be told, there's another reason: The chicks.
"I know I am not the best looking man in the world, but surely no woman could fail to be dazzled by this shirt?" he said according to MSN.co.nz.
Amazingly, some people aren't taking a shine to the garment.
The Pune Mirror asked Indian fashionistas their opinions of Phuge's shirt and the comments included gripes like "too dramatic and impractical to wear," "it has no structure or shape," and "I see it more as a novelty item."
Teenage Girl Accidentally Shoots Her Brother In The Head While Posing For "Gangster" Facebook Pics

Manuel Ortiz died instantly from a bullet to the head at about 6am on New Year’s Day after partying all night.
Family and friends of the 22-year-old wept as his body was carried from his flat in Phoenix, Arizona after the shooting.
Police said Ortiz and sister Savannah Ramirez returned to the home they shared early on Monday after spending the night drinking.
They were with two other people when one person pulled out a gun and they started playing with it for Facebook photos.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Teacher Charged With Having Sex With A Student

According to the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office, an investigation was launched Friday after deputies found drugs on a student that Ngum allegedly had a sexual relationship with.
During an investigation into the drug charge, deputies determined that Ngum had engaged in a sexual relationship with the student.
One source stated that the student was in Ngum's car when she was stopped on Friday. Deputies reportedly searched the student during the stop and found drugs in his possession. Ngum was arrested the next day when detectives called her down to the station to provide a statement. This additional information has not been confirmed by the Sheriff's Office, however.
Investigators have not released the student's age, or how Ngum and the student know each other. The alleged sexual encounter is believed to have occurred off school grounds.
Ngum was booked into the Mecklenburg County Jail and charged with one count of sexual activity with a student. Her bond has been set at $2,500.
According to court records, Ngum was arrested in July 2011 and charged with false pretenses and misdemeanor larceny. She was also arrested in 2008 on a charge of driving while impaired.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Pebbelz Da Model Arrested And Charged In Butt-Injection Homicide
Two fugitives were captured by the Shelby County Sheriff's Office on Thursday; one was wanted in connection to the death of a Mississippi woman who was injected with concrete .
Natasha Stewart, 39, was wanted for questioning by the Hinds County Sheriff's Department for the death of a woman in Jackson, Mississippi who was injected with concrete in her buttocks. Stewart was arrested on Thursday, January 3, and charged with Fugitive from Justice Warrant for Homicide.
SCSO Fugitive Apprehension officers also arrested 21-year-old Shannetria Newberry on Jan. 3. Newberry, on the run since August 2012, was wanted for Aggravated Assault Failure to Appear on a Felony Case, Bodily Harm and Criminal Forfeiture.
Both Stewart and Newberry are being held at theShelby County Jail .
Natasha Stewart, 39, was wanted for questioning by the Hinds County Sheriff's Department for the death of a woman in Jackson, Mississippi who was injected with concrete in her buttocks. Stewart was arrested on Thursday, January 3, and charged with Fugitive from Justice Warrant for Homicide.
SCSO Fugitive Apprehension officers also arrested 21-year-old Shannetria Newberry on Jan. 3. Newberry, on the run since August 2012, was wanted for Aggravated Assault Failure to Appear on a Felony Case, Bodily Harm and Criminal Forfeiture.
Both Stewart and Newberry are being held at the
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