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Saturday, July 28, 2012
Intriguing Questions
- Is having certain physical qualifications for a mate superficial?
- At what age does the average person start having sexual thoughts?
- If you're mate left their cellphone at your house by mistake would you go through it?
- Why do so many women feel that the man should bring more to the table in a relationship than them?
- Would you rat out your closest family member if they were f*cking your best friend's man/woman behind her/his back?
Fix-A-Flat Nurse Arrested Again & Charged With Manslaughter

Morris, 32, of Hollywood, has been charged in the death of Shatarka Nuby, 31, of Tamarac.
Morris was arrested at her mother’s house in Coconut Creek. She faces one count of manslaughter.
“It’s tragic, absolutely tragic,” said Broward Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Dani Moschella, of the death of Nuby.
According to the Broward Sheriff’s Office, Nuby had paid Morris, known as The Duchess, hundreds of dollars to inject her at her home with the concoction which promised to enhance her buttock, hips, thighs and breasts. Morris would sometimes be dressed in scrubs, giving the impression she was a medical worker — a doctor or a nurse, but detectives say she was a fake.
Nuby died in March while incarcerated in a Tallahassee jail from what an assistant medical examiner called “massive systemic silicone migration” as a consequence of cosmetic silicone injections. Nuby complained to friends and relatives that the injection sites on her body became hard and hot and her skin turned black.
Before she died, Nuby had reported Morris to the Florida Department of Health, according to the arrest affidavit. She told investigators that she had been injected about 10 times between 2007 and 2011, the affidavit states.
Following Nuby’s death, Morris was charged in Broward with three counts of practicing medicine without a license. Prosecutors say she injected many patients with a dangerous mixture of products including mineral oil, rubber cement, Fix-a-Flat and caulk. Many of the items were purchased at The Home Depot.
Morris has denied the allegations.
Morris was first arrested on similar charges late last year in Miami-Dade. Photos released after her arrest showed that she had also injected herself with the concoction that gave her a disproportionately large buttock and hips.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/07/26/2914636/fake-fix-a-flat-nurse-arrested.html#storylink=cpy
Friday, July 27, 2012
Intriguing Questions
- Would you prefer to have a friend who rides with you whether right or wrong or one who'll be honest enough to tell you when you're wrong?
- Should a person feel obligated to tell people their involved with sexually that they have other partners even if there's no commitment?
- Does the way a person is raised determine they're sexual habits and their outlook on the opposite sex?
- When making certain life changes, is it best to separate yourself from certain friends who still indulge in that type of lifestyle?
- Is a healthy sex life in a relationship equally as important as good communication and trust?
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Michael Jackson's Family At War Over The King Of Pop's Estate
Katherine Jackson’s legal team claims Michael
Jackson’s siblings have concocted a diabolical plot to remove Katherine from her
home and her “beloved grandchildren” … and part of the plan involved ambushing
MJ’s children.
Intriguing Questions
- Do you think going raw has become the norm?
- Is your partner fantasizing about another person while they're in bed with you just as offensive as them actually cheating with another person?
- Do you think the person who makes the most money in a relationship should have the most say so when it comes to financial matters?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how vain would you say you are, as far as your looks are concerned?
- Does supplying your children with birth control or condoms once you know they're sexually active lean more towards being responsible or condoning their behavior?
Man Hospitalized After Thieves Steal His Penis!

Mr. Lin (photographed on the left) isn't in the hospital because thieves ransacked his home or stole a television set of some kind. Instead, the masked intruders cut off his penis and then vanished into the night as quietly as they had arrived.
According to police, Lin was sawing logs (sound asleep) when thieves burst into his room, placed a bag over his head and commenced sawing off something else.
"They put something over my head and pulled down my trousers and then they ran off," Lin told local Chinese media. "I was so shocked I didn't feel a thing.... then I saw I was bleeding and my penis was gone."
Emergency workers and police searched for the missing penis, but were unable to find the dismembered member. Lin was taken to a local hospital where he is being treated for his injury.
Investigators have made no arrests in the case, but believe the perpetrators may be men who were angry over Lin's alleged affairs with various married women. Lin has denied involvement in any acts of infidelity.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Man Conspires To Kidnap, Rape, Murder And Then Eat A Child!

According to police, Brown came to the attention of detectives during a child pornography investigation that originated in Massachusetts and resulted in the arrest and conviction of 48-year-old Robert Diduca.
Investigators say detectives became alarmed when they discovered online chat conversations between Brown and another man that involved raping, murdering and then eating small children.
Brown, according to police, fantasized about strangling, dismembering and then cannibalizing his young victims, describing in graphic detail what he planned to do with their body parts.
Detectives who searched Brown's home found gruesome child pornography images on his computer and a CD that had been stashed in his sock drawer. The images allegedly showed images of dead children and children that had been posed in bondage positions.
Brown told FBI agents that he wanted to eat a little boy that he met at a local church. He also stated that he had discussed his fantasies on a Yahoo message board, but never intended to harm any children.
Attached to the arrest affidavit is an extensive chat log in which Brown lusted about children and discussed how he would capture and then eat a child. In one example, Brown stated that he would like to tie a child up, store him in a closet and then eat him for Easter. In another thread, Brown allegedly remarked how great summer time is because the children in his neighborhood are "almost naked." In another thread, Brown remarked about how his mouth watered while looking at a female toddler.
During yet another chat, Brown reportedly asked a Kansas city man to assist him in abducting and then murdering a child. The man, identified as Michael Arnett, was arrested and charged with producing child pornography.
Brown works as a puppeteer, performing at elementary schools, malls, church groups and private birthday parties. Brown also resides in a neighborhood surrounded by playgrounds, and routinely invited neighborhood children to his residence for pizza, according to an arrest affidavit.
This isn't the first time Brown has fallen under suspicion. He was reportedly investigated back in 1998 when deputies found multiple pairs of boys' underwear between the front seats of his car. Brown claimed that he used the underwear to dress his puppets.
Investigators were also dispatched to Brown's home in 2010 when neighbors became suspicious of his behavior involving young boys who were in his car. The case was dropped when it was determined that Brown was granted permission to take the boys to church.
Brown was booked into the Pinellas County Jail and charged with conspiring to kidnap a child and possession of child pornography.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Intriguing Questions
- Do you feel it's inappropriate for a friend of yours to constantly hang around your mate at times when your not around?
- Do you feel you should have the right to question your mate for staying out over night, even if you don't stay in the same home?
- If you asked to check your mate's phone and they refused to let you do so, how would you react?
- Do you think a person's friends reflect what type of person they are?
- Would you ever snitch on a member of your own family for a crime they committed?
Man Stabs His Friend In The Neck Repeatedly Over A Bag Of Pork Rinds!
Will Moore Traywick, a 50-year-old Florida man also known as "Cowboy" or "Wyatt Earp", was jailed after he repeatedly stabbed a friend in the neck over a bag of pork rinds.
According to Fort Walton Beach Police, Traywick and the victim, Edward Hooks, were playing dominoes outside the Rancho Alegre nightclub when an argument ensued over pork rinds and a missing cell phone.
The argument became violent when Traywick reportedly broke a beer bottle and used it to stab his friend three times in the neck.
When officers arrived on the scene, the victim was lying on the ground, bleeding heavily from the neck area. He was rushed to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola where he was treated for non life-threatening injuries.The argument became violent when Traywick reportedly broke a beer bottle and used it to stab his friend three times in the neck.
Traywick, who fled the scene on a bicycle, was found 20 minutes after the incident occurred. Officers found him hiding inside the bathroom of a nearby fast food restaurant.
He was booked into the Okaloosa County Jail and charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. His bond was set at $2,500.
Traywick has previous arrests in Okaloosa County for battery domestic violence, driving under the influence, driving on a suspended driver's license and refusing to sign a citation.
Traywick has previous arrests in Okaloosa County for battery domestic violence, driving under the influence, driving on a suspended driver's license and refusing to sign a citation.
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