According to Lincoln police, Kurtzhals entered the Wadlow Rozanke Funeral Home wearing a funeral director name tag and claiming to represent the deceas
ed woman's family.
Investigators say the funeral home owner, Rod Rozanek, became suspicious when Kurtzhals tried to retrieve two engagement rings worth $500 from the deceased woman's finger.
When Rozanek questioned Kurtzhals about his work as a funeral director, Kurtzhals became agitated. Another employee at the funeral home called police.
Investigators say police were already looking to question Kurtzhals in connection to an alleged illegal voting allegation.
Kurtzhals is not eligible to vote since he is a convicted felon who was just recently released from prison. State law prohibits a felon from voting for two years following their release from prison.
When officers questioned Kurtzhals, he admitted that he had been engaged to the woman at the time of her death and wanted the rings back that he had given to her.
Detectives discovered that he actually was a legitimate funeral director at one point, but lost his license and went to prison after he was convicted of mishandling/stealing a clients money.
Kurtzhals was booked into jail and charged with impersonating a funeral director. He may also face charges in connection to the illegal voting allegation.
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