Wednesday, July 11, 2012

SpeekDaTroof: Good Sex Vs. Romance Revisited

One of the people, well actually, a few of the people who comment on a regular basis said something that really got my mind working.

The discussion was basically about whether you'd rather have a romantic partner who's not good in bed or a great lover who's not romantic. These particular readers stated that they would prefer to have the romantic person as oppose to the great lover.

Now me myself, I like romance and I consider myself a romantic person. To me romance is to a relationship what sunlight and water is to a plant, so it's very important in my opinion.

The thing about it though is I can have great sex with someone without having any romance involved, but if a person gets you warmed up with a night of romance, then when it comes time to put the icing on the cake, the sex is a huge let down everytime, that would start to ruin the romantic aspect to me at some point.

That's like a basketball player who can light it up all game, except when it's crunch time. When the game is at it's most pivital point, they always manage to crumble. So eventually, what will the coach do at some point?

He's gonna let that player do his thing, but when crunch time comes, he's gonna find someone else to give the ball to, and that analogy might end up applyying to your relationship at some point.

No matter how romantic a person is, you're gonna want to be fulfilled sexually at some point.

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