According to Lake Havasu City Police, an investigation was launched last month after Sonnier told her boyfriend that she was "into having sex with dogs" and had been having sex with her family's dogs since the age of 13.
The arrest report further alleges that Sonnier engaged in both vaginal and oral sex with the dogs and "has them trained so that they don't act strange around other people."
The boyfriend told police that he was "disturbed and freaked out" after Sonnier showed him images of people having sex with dogs. Sonnier also allegedly told him that she was interested in incest.
Following the alleged confession, the boyfriend first tried to talk to Sonnier's father about what his girlfriend shared with him. The father reportedly told him that his daughter had admitted to having sex with dogs in the past, and that he was focused on trying to gain custody of his grandson (Sonnier has a toddler son).
The boyfriend also told police that he believes Sonnier is pregnant with his child, but she has refused to take a
Following an investigation into the allegations, Sonnier was originally charged with bestiality. She was later charged instead with two counts of crime against nature.
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