According to police, Brown came to the attention of detectives during a child pornography investigation that originated in Massachusetts and resulted in the arrest and conviction of 48-year-old Robert Diduca.
Investigators say detectives became alarmed when they discovered online chat conversations between Brown and another man that involved raping, murdering and then eating small children.
Brown, according to police, fantasized about strangling, dismembering and then cannibalizing his young victims, describing in graphic detail what he planned to do with their body parts.
Detectives who searched Brown's home found gruesome child pornography images on his computer and a CD that had been stashed in his sock drawer. The images allegedly showed images of dead children and children that had been posed in bondage positions.
Brown told FBI agents that he wanted to eat a little boy that he met at a local church. He also stated that he had discussed his fantasies on a Yahoo message board, but never intended to harm any children.
Attached to the arrest affidavit is an extensive chat log in which Brown lusted about children and discussed how he would capture and then eat a child. In one example, Brown stated that he would like to tie a child up, store him in a closet and then eat him for Easter. In another thread, Brown allegedly remarked how great summer time is because the children in his neighborhood are "almost naked." In another thread, Brown remarked about how his mouth watered while looking at a female toddler.
During yet another chat, Brown reportedly asked a Kansas city man to assist him in abducting and then murdering a child. The man, identified as Michael Arnett, was arrested and charged with producing child pornography.
Brown works as a puppeteer, performing at elementary schools, malls, church groups and private birthday parties. Brown also resides in a neighborhood surrounded by playgrounds, and routinely invited neighborhood children to his residence for pizza, according to an arrest affidavit.
This isn't the first time Brown has fallen under suspicion. He was reportedly investigated back in 1998 when deputies found multiple pairs of boys' underwear between the front seats of his car. Brown claimed that he used the underwear to dress his puppets.
Investigators were also dispatched to Brown's home in 2010 when neighbors became suspicious of his behavior involving young boys who were in his car. The case was dropped when it was determined that Brown was granted permission to take the boys to church.
Brown was booked into the Pinellas County Jail and charged with conspiring to kidnap a child and possession of child pornography.
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