A Blog Of My Random Sh!t, Shocking News, Viral Videos, And Interesting Articles. For Advice, Post Ideas, Or Whatever The F@ck You Want, Hit Me Up At EverydayFixxx@Gmail.com
Monday, December 31, 2012
Judge Bans Mother From Having Any More Kids After She Abandoned Her 4 Children To Party

According to Bay News 9's partner paper, the Ledger, a judge sentenced Kimberly Lightsey, 30, to two years house arrest and 13 years of probation for child neglect - as long as she agrees not to have any more children.
Police said Lightsey left her four young children alone in a filthy hotel room to go party in October 2011. They said someone at the motel found one of the children strapped into a stroller that was flipped upside down in the hallway.
At the time, the children were between the ages of 1 and 11. One child has significant health problems, including epilepsy and
When she was arrested, Lightsey was serving four years of probation after pleading no
As part of the plea deal, Lightsey also cannot have unsupervised contact with minors.
The judge said Lightsey could have more children in the future if she can fulfill conditions of her probation and successfully petitions the court to remove the "no unsupervised contact with minors" clause of her plea deal.
Intriguing Questions
- What would be harder for you to accept, your daughter being a lesbian or your son being gay?
- If our friend told you they wanted to f@ck your man/woman on an occasion where you knew they were drunk, would you give them a pass because of them not totally being in their right mind or look at them differently?
- How old were you when you lost your virginity?
- What would be more embarrassing, for someone to walk in on you actually f@cking or masturbating?
- How old would your child have to be for you to be able to accept the fact they're having sex?
Woman Gives Her Boyfriend Oral Sex To Completion, Then Assaults Him When He Didn't Return The Favor

According to the Manatee County Sheriff's Office, a witness called police around 11:00 p.m. and reported that the victim, 32-year-old Jilberto Deleon, was being physically attacked by Scott at his residence.
The witness stated that Scott punch and scratch Deleon before beating him with a stick. The witness went on to say that Scott was preparing to strike the victim with a wrench when he intervened in the conflict and grabbed the wrench away from Scott.
When deputies arrived at the scene, they interviewed Scott who stated that she and Deleon were engaged in oral sex when she became upset because she satisfied him to completion, however he didn't
Scott added that she was also upset because she had overheard Deleon having
After deputies took note of Deleon's injuries, Scott stated that he had punched her in the head. Deputies were unable to find any injuries to corroborate her claim.
Frustrated by the deputies' findings, Scott walked over to Deleon, pushed him and stated "You are going to send me to jail!"
When deputies took Scott into custody, she refused to go into the police cruiser willingly. She reportedly kicked the patrol car's window and shouted until the deputy threatened to mace her. Scott then stopped kicking, but continued to scream.
Scott was booked into the Manatee County Jail and charged with battery. She was released the next day on $1,500 bail.
Scott has previous arrests in Manatee County for trespassing, possession of cannabis and
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Man Dies After Betting His Friend That He Could Eat 30 Raw Eggs In A Row
A Tunisian man died after eating 28 raw eggs in one go for a bet.
Dhaou Fatnassi, 20, allegedly wagered a friend he could eat 30 raw eggs in a row, for which he would receive an undisclosed sum.
Mr Fatnassi, from Kairouan in north-east Tunisia, managed 28 eggs before he collapsed with severe stomach pains.
He was rushed to a nearby hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival, local
Whilst eggs cooked properly are a great source of protein and part of a
Article Source
Woman Kidnapped, Raped In Her Car For 5 Hours On Christmas Day, 3 Men Arrested
A young woman’s Christmas—and her life—was shattered Tuesday when she was kidnapped, raped, robbed and beaten in her own car by three teenagers over the course of five hours, according to police.
"You’ll get sick in the stomach," said Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood, before reciting the facts of the case.
Around 11:40 p.m. Christmas night, the 22-year-old victim was in her Jeep Cherokee, waiting for her boyfriend to come out of a nearby bar, when three men—one of whom had a gun—forced their way inside of her vehicle, Chitwood said. They made the woman move to the back seat and drove her around Philadelphia for hours, police said. One by one, the men took turns in the back seat, forcing the victim to perform sex acts, even after she repeatedly vomited on them, according to court documents.
Woman Pretends To Be The Aunt Of Slain Sandy Hook Victim To Solicit Donations
Nouel Alba, a 37-year-old New York woman has been jailed after she allegedly solicited donations by passing herself off as a relative of one of the Sandy Hook massacre shooting victims.
According to the U.S. attorney's office, Alba used her Facebook profile, PayPal accounts, and a series of phone calls to seek "funeral" donations just hours after the the Sandy Hook school shootings took place.
Alba, according to prosecutors, pretended to be the aunt of 6-year-old Noah Pozner, one of the children slain in the tragic massacre.
Investigators say Alba set up a "funeral fund" claiming that she was forced to enter the Sandy Hook crime scene to identify her nephew. She is also accused of lying to FBI agents who were tasked with identifying charity scams related to the shooting.
"We've set up a funeral fund for my brother and families," Alba wrote on her profile before adding her PayPal account information and donation instructions.
In text messages with a donor, Alba allegedly stated that she met and hugged President Obama during his visit to Newtown and claimed that she was afraid to view her nephew in his casket.
Alba told agents that she wasn't aware that her PayPal account was being used to solicit donations and promised to return the money immediately after it was received. Court records indicate, however, that she did not return any donations until several days later when her activities were given additional scrutiny by federal investigators.
Alba told investigators that someone had stolen her identity and hacked into her Facebook and PayPal accounts to perpetrate the scam. Federal authorities, however, say Alba's transactions and related computer activity were tracked to her IP address.
Alba was arraigned Thursday on a charge of lying to FBI agents. She was released after posting $50,000 bond.
According to the U.S. attorney's office, Alba used her Facebook profile, PayPal accounts, and a series of phone calls to seek "funeral" donations just hours after the the Sandy Hook school shootings took place.
Alba, according to prosecutors, pretended to be the aunt of 6-year-old Noah Pozner, one of the children slain in the tragic massacre.
Investigators say Alba set up a "funeral fund" claiming that she was forced to enter the Sandy Hook crime scene to identify her nephew. She is also accused of lying to FBI agents who were tasked with identifying charity scams related to the shooting.
"We've set up a funeral fund for my brother and families," Alba wrote on her profile before adding her PayPal account information and donation instructions.
In text messages with a donor, Alba allegedly stated that she met and hugged President Obama during his visit to Newtown and claimed that she was afraid to view her nephew in his casket.
Alba told agents that she wasn't aware that her PayPal account was being used to solicit donations and promised to return the money immediately after it was received. Court records indicate, however, that she did not return any donations until several days later when her activities were given additional scrutiny by federal investigators.
Alba told investigators that someone had stolen her identity and hacked into her Facebook and PayPal accounts to perpetrate the scam. Federal authorities, however, say Alba's transactions and related computer activity were tracked to her IP address.
Alba was arraigned Thursday on a charge of lying to FBI agents. She was released after posting $50,000 bond.
Woman Purposely Gives A Man HIV, Then Stabbed Him In The Head After He Complained

According to police, Henderson and the victim reportedly got into an argument after she failed to tell him that she was HIV positive until after they had sex.
In retaliation, Henderson grabbed a kitchen knife from the kitchen counter and stabbed him in the back of his head.
He was taken to a local hospital, where he was treated for non life-threatening injuries.
When officers questioned Henderson, she stated that she didn't tell the victim that she was HIV positive because he had purchased a puppy for her and provided a place for her to stay.
When deputies were booking her into jail, she took an officer's keys, slipped off her handcuffs and attempted to escape. She was stopped before reaching the door.
Henderson was booked into the Hamilton County Justice Center and charged with escape, theft, and two counts of felonious assault. She is currently being held in lieu of $81,500 bond.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Woman Tries To Repeatedly Buy iPads With Food Stamp Card

According to Louisville police, Browning went to the Valley Station Walmart and tried to purchase two iPads with an Electronic Benefit Transfer card. When the transaction was denied, she assaulted a store clerk, pushed another employee to the ground and fled from the store with the merchandise.
Investigators say Browning went to another Walmart in the area a short time later and again attempted to buy several iPads with an
Browning, according to police, has been banned from all Wal-Mart locations due to prior incidents with the store.
She was booked into the Louisville Metro Jail and charged with robbery, shoplifting and trespassing.
Women Arrested For Chewing Off Her Mother's Thumb

According to Upper Darby police, Foley was apprehended at her sister's house Wednesday night after police launched a city-wide search in response to a gruesome attack she inflicted on her own mother.
Police say Foley's 42-year-old mother was taking a bath Saturday night when Foley went on the attack - teeth first.
Investigators say Foley bit off a large portion of her mother's thumb following an argument the pair had been engaged in earlier that evening. Foley also bit her mother on both legs and her other hand during the assault.
"It's domestic cannibalism," said police Superintendent Michael Chitwood. "We never found the tip of the finger. We don't know whether she ate it or swallowed it. Totally out of control. We don't know if she was high on drugs or what."
The victim was rushed to
Foley remained a fugitive of justice for 4 days until she was found hiding out at her sister's apartment.
She was booked into jail and charged with aggravated assault, simple assault and harassment. Her bond has been set at $20,000.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Intriguing Questions
- What was the best gift you got this Christmas?
- What was the most expensive gift you brought someone for Christmas?
- Did you spend Christmas alone or with friends and family?
- At what age should a child stop automatically expecting gifts for Christmas?
- Do you feel a certain way when you buy someone a gift and they don't get you sh!t?
Cross-Dressing Ex-Convict Killed Childhood Friend And Tried To Decapitate Him Before Stuffing Him In Bedroom Closet

Aston Barth, who was arrested in 2007 for sticking up a
When police questioned Barth about the body, he admitted to choking 35-year-old Campbell while the two argued in Barth’s Central Islip bedroom Dec. 18, Suffolk County Assistant District
The Truth About Christmas
This is an article I read a wile back about the true roots of Christmas and it's traditional customs. I just wanted to share it and get everyone's take on it. http://thetruthandlight.wordpress.com/2008/12/25/saturnalia-the-real-roots-of-christmas/
Naked Man Assaults His Girlfriend After Losing A Game Of Beer Pong
Jamar Darnell Thomas, 19, was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend after apparently losing a game of beer pong.
Police discovered the naked man in the living room along with several plastic cups on a table one of which had two ping pong balls in it.
According to the police the man explained that he wasn’t wearing any clothes as a consequence of losing a game of beer pong.
Sometime during or after the game the man got into a heated argument with his girlfriend about politics.
The game involves bouncing a ping pong ball across a table with the aim of landing it into a cup of beer at the other end.
Then when the woman used Thomas’ phone to send a text message to her roommate, Thomas tried to see it.
According to a report in onlineathens, the woman snatched the phone back and slapped Thomas in the face.
A scuffle ensued with Thomas grabbing the woman by the shoulders and hauling her into the bedroom.
The woman told officers Thomas had grabbed her and hauled her into the bedroom but they had fallen onto a mirrored door and she had hit her head..
She claimed she hit her head on the door and then locked herself in the bedroom.
Thomas told officers he was kneeling at the door, begging to be let in while still naked.
Officers discovered the broken door as well as a series of holes in a wall which the woman claimed were made by Thomas punching it. There was also some damage to the bedroom door near the lock.
Thomas was arrested on charges of battery and criminal damage to property.
The charges fall under the Family Violence Act because Thomas and the victim occasionally live together at the Athens apartment complex, according to police.
According to the police the man explained that he wasn’t wearing any clothes as a consequence of losing a game of beer pong.
Sometime during or after the game the man got into a heated argument with his girlfriend about politics.
The game involves bouncing a ping pong ball across a table with the aim of landing it into a cup of beer at the other end.
Then when the woman used Thomas’ phone to send a text message to her roommate, Thomas tried to see it.
According to a report in onlineathens, the woman snatched the phone back and slapped Thomas in the face.
A scuffle ensued with Thomas grabbing the woman by the shoulders and hauling her into the bedroom.
The woman told officers Thomas had grabbed her and hauled her into the bedroom but they had fallen onto a mirrored door and she had hit her head..
She claimed she hit her head on the door and then locked herself in the bedroom.
Thomas told officers he was kneeling at the door, begging to be let in while still naked.
Officers discovered the broken door as well as a series of holes in a wall which the woman claimed were made by Thomas punching it. There was also some damage to the bedroom door near the lock.
Thomas was arrested on charges of battery and criminal damage to property.
The charges fall under the Family Violence Act because Thomas and the victim occasionally live together at the Athens apartment complex, according to police.
Monday, December 24, 2012
School Worker Starved And Tortured Adopted Daughter Who She Kept Prisoner In Alarmed Bedroom

Dorothea Vega, 59, a parent liaison worker, allegedly hit the girl with sticks and shoes, barred her from eating and bathing and raised her in deplorable conditions.
The Sheriff’s Office told the Pensacola News-Journal that the home included “a dirty mattress on the floor, windows screwed shut and a dog cage with feces in it”.
It also reported Vega, a part-time worker at Ensley Elementary School, allegedly gave the girl a large amount of anti-psychotic drugs and
She is also alleged to have put alarms on her daughter's bedroom to ensure she never left without permission.
Intriguing Questions
- What body part of your lover's could you distinguish out of a line up? (The face isn't an option)
- Do you think the holidays have lost a little bit of the luster they once had?
- Do you have any resolutions for the new year?
- Are you type who really gets into the holiday spirit this time of year or do you just see Christmas as just another day at this point?
- Are you the type who likes to buy gifts for practically everyone you know or the type who only buys gifts for a selected few who have a special place in your heart?
Woman Arrested After Threatening To Kill Elementary School Kids With A Shovel

According to police, Simone L. Brooks, 35, threatened to kill the children with a shovel and allegedly performed a “simulated strip tease” in a towel on her porch while yelling at them.
Reportedly, two of Brooks’ own children were at the bus stop while she engaged in the alleged acts.
The Lower Paxton Twp. woman was taken to Dauphin County Prison after failing to post $50,000 bail.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Man Charged With Biting Off His Wife's Ear During Her Birthday Celebration
According to police, Stewart and his wife were visiting the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino on her birthday when they began arguing inside a fourth level parking garage.
A security guard was called to the scene around 6:00 a.m, and he called police after he saw Stewart put his wife in a headlock.
The couple attempted to drive away, but the security officer stopped them after he noticed that the woman was bleeding heavily from her ear. Closer inspection revealed that a majority of the woman's ear had been bitten off and was hanging from the side of her head.
The victim was taken to the Memorial Hospital West in Pembroke Pines where she was treated for her injuries.
Stewart confessed to biting his wife's ear, and stated that they were at the casino to celebrate her 29th birthday. They coulple has been married for 2 years.
Stewart was booked into jail and charged with felony domestic battery. His bond has been set at $12,500.
Intriguing Questions
- What's something that's not a necessity to live, but you just couldn't see yourself living your life without?
- Who loves to gossip more, men or women?
- Would you end a relationship if the person you were dating admitted they were bisexual?
- Would you consider yourself to be a confrontational or non-confrontational type of person?
- Have you ever tasted cum?
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Man Assaults His Girlfriend With A Change Jar After She Refused To Give Him Oral Sex

According to Spartanburg police, officers were dispatched to the couple's residence in response to a domestic violence complaint.
Arriving officers spoke with Patrick's girlfriend, 41-year-old Patricia Wilson, who said Patrick became angry and threw a change jar at her when she refused his demand for oral sex.
Investigators say the change jar struck the woman in the elbow, leaving a visible injury.
In response, Wilson reportedly bit Patrick on the thumb. Officers listed Patrick's injury as a defensive wound.
Patrick was booked into the Spartanburg County and charged with
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
6th-Grader Brings A Gun To School To Protect Against ‘Connecticut-Style’ Attack
He “continues to assert that he brought the weapon to protect himself and his friends from a ‘Connecticut-style [shooting],’” Granite School District spokesman Ben Horsley said.
Two of the 11-year-old’s classmates told their teacher on Monday afternoon that the student had a gun. The teacher immediately “apprehended” the student and contacted the authorities, Horsley said. The boy is being charged with one count of possession of a firearm on school property and three counts of aggravated assault, for allegedly threatening some of his classmates.
He will be charged in the juvenile system and eventually will be transferred to another school.
Article Source
Woman Charged With Stashing Drugs In Her Child's Pocket While Being Arrested For Shoplifting

According to Quincy Police, Shurtleff was attempting to shoplift from a local Kmart when she was stopped by a
The loss prevention officer held the woman and her younh daughter at the store until police arrived on the scene.
Arriving officers searched Shurtleff and her daughter and allegedly recovered stolen merchandise totaling less than $300. Officers also discovered heroin, cocaine and marijuana that Shurtleff had placed inside her daughter's pocket.
The amount of cocaine and heroin found in the child's pocket exceeded one full gram each, so the charges against Shurtleff were upgraded to possession with intent to sell.
Shurtleff was booked into the Adams County Jail and charged with endangering the welfare of a child, two felony counts of unlawful possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance, one felony count of retail theft, and unlawful possession of cannabis. She is currently being held in lieu of a $20,000 bond.
According to
Monday, December 17, 2012
Woman’s Oral Sex Act Reveals Workers’ Comp Fraud

Modupe Adunni Martin, 29, was sentenced to nine months in jail on Thursday in San Mateo County after pleading no contest in October to felony workers compensation fraud.
Martin was caught on videotape in August 2009 throwing her crutches into a car and running in high heels to meet her boyfriend at a public park, where she took part in a sex act that doctors concluded she couldn't have done with an injured ankle, District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe said.
She was arrested and charged with 10 counts of insurance fraud.
"I guess love just helps one get over injuries," Wagstaffe said in a phone interview on Friday.
Martin reported the injury in February 2009 while working as a janitor for the Sequoia Union High School District.
Claiming the injury left her unable to walk, Martin made 10 visits to doctors over a three-month span. A co-worker suspected she was exaggerating and alerted the district, which advised investigators.
Martin was taken into custody after sentencing. A call to her attorney, Emily Andrews, by The Associated Press was not immediately returned.
Martin was also sentenced to 3 years of supervised
Man Tries To Shoplift A Miley Cyrus Blow Up Doll

According Spartanburg police, Greene was inside a Spencer Gifts retail store Dec 11 when a cashier saw Greene remove a 'Finally Mylie Lovedoll' from its packaging and place it inside his coat.
Investigators say Greene passed all points of sale and proceeded to leave the store when the employee stopped him and demanded that he return the doll.
Greene responded by opening his jacket which allowed the doll to drop to the floor.
The doll, which is distributed by Pipedream Products, does not look like Miley Cyrus - but instead resembles a generic blow up doll with a hollowed out mouth. Spencer Gifts sells the item in their stores for $19.99.
Greene was booked into the Spartanburg County Jail and charged with a misdemeanor count of shoplifting. He was released without bond.
Man Kills His Roommate After An Argument About How To Prepare Pork Chops

According to Holly Hill Police, officers were dispatched to a Volusia County residence Tuesday night after another roommate called 911 to report the shooting.
Arriving officers found the victim, identified as 35-year-old Robert Gray, laying dead on the floor after he had been shot twice in the head.
During questioning, Hahn reportedly confessed to shooting his roommate, but insisted that he shot the victim in self defense. He went on to say that he and his roommate argued often and that many of their arguments became physical.
"I didn't want to be attacked anymore," Hahn told officers.
On the night in question, Hahn stated that he was
Hahn was booked into the Volusia County Jail and charged with second-degree murder.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Man Arrested After Urinating On A Police Officers Car During A Traffic Stop
The officer was about to let Henderson go when he realized Henderson had already "gone."
According to the Alachua County Sheriff's Office, Henderson was stopped by an officer around 4:00 p.m when the officer noticed Henderson's window tint and suspected it was darker than state guidelines allow.
During the stop, the officer instructed Henderson to wait by his cruiser while he checked to see if the window tint was within compliance.
After a quick check, the officer determined that the tint was indeed within guidelines and stopped to apologize to Henderson's mother for holding them up.
The officer then prepared to release Henderson, when he noticed a large puddle of urine that had accumulated near Henderson's feet.
"Did you just pee on my car?" Asked the officer. "You just pissed on my car!"
Henderson looked around - in a Cheshire Cat sort of way - realizing that he'd been caught. Henderson later denied intentionally urinating on the officer's patrol car.
He was booked into jail and charged with indecent exposure.
Man Carves A Pentagram In His Son's Back With A Boxcutter

Brent Troy Bartel,
39, of the Fort Worth suburb of Richland Hills, was in jail Wednesday on a
$500,000 bond, charged with aggravated assault of a family member with a deadly
Police officers
responded to an emergency
dispatch call shortly after midnight from a man who said, “I shed
some innocent blood,” according to an audio recording of the emergency 911 call, released
by police.
When questioned by
the dispatcher, the man said, “I inscribed a pentagram on my son.”
When the
dispatcher asked why, the man responded, “because it is a holy day,” according
to the recording.
He then hung up.
Moments later,
police received a call from the boy’s mother at a neighbor’s house, said Officer
Sheena Parsons, Richland Hills police spokeswoman. The mother could be heard on
that recording crying and asking for help.
Police arrived at
the Bartel home and found the boy shirtless and shivering, with a large
pentagram carved on his back. Officers also found a box cutter at the house,
which is believed to have been used in the attack, police said.
The boy was taken
to a Fort Worth hospital for treatment. His injuries were “not life
threatening,” Parsons said. Police and Child Protective Services were investigating the attack.
Wednesday was
12-12-12 – a date some considered significant because such a match of day, month
and year will not occur again in this century.
The pentagram is a
five-pointed star sometimes associated with Satanism.
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